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Coconut Quindim (Quindim de Coco)

Quindim is a popular baked dessert, made from sugar, egg yolks and ground coconut. It is a typical example of blend of different cuisines, characteristic to Bahia culture. The usage of egg yolks is a Portuguese influence, while the coconut is more characteristic to Africa.

3/4 cups butter

2 cups coconut flakes (unsweetened)2 cups sugar

8 egg yolks

2 eggs

Preparation time: 1 hr. 45 mins.

Difficulty level: Easy

Servings: 10

World Wide Meal,Brazilian food,Brazilian cuisine,Bahian food,desserts recipes,coconut,quindim



Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).

Bring butter, yolks and eggs to room temperature.

Put ½ cup butter, 1½ cups coconut flakes, 1½ cups sugar and all the eggs in a food processor.

Process about a minute until all blended.

Use the remaining butter to grease the cupcake pans, then put some sugar (shake the pans to spread the sugar evenly).

Pour the mixture into the cupcake pans (up to level of 3/4 ) and arrange them in a baking pan filled with some water.

Bake  for about 90 min until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out dry. Let cool, cover with plastic and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

Before serving put each cupcake pan in a plate with warm water for 1 minute, then flip over to the serving plate. Optionally garnish with some coconut flakes.

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