Street food party
When it comes to street foot, Nepal is a real paradise. Just like the Nepali cuisine in general, the street food in Nepal is so rich, diverse and colorful. The influences of neighboring countries and various ethnic groups of Nepal are evident here as well, and so you can find Tibetan shapale beside dahi puri from India.
The following menu is a combination of recipes of some of the most famous and popular dishes you can find on the streets of Kathmandu or Pokhara. Be prepared to put some work into it. Plan your time. Pay attention that some parts can be prepared in advance, so you don't have to leave everything to the last minute. If you plan to prepare chutneys for dahi puri by yourself, you can do it a few days in advance. Start with cooking potatoes, you will need for aloo chop and dahi puri, then cut and marinate the meat for sekuwa. Then prepare the dough and filling for shapale and fill them, afterwards prepare the mass for aloo chops, the puri and the dough and filling for yumary. Finally start deep frying everything that needs to be deep-fried, grill the sekuwa skewers, steam the yumari and prepare the chatamari. Namaste.
Shopping List (for 6 persons)
1 tomato
7 potatoes
3 white onions
5 red onions
100g (3.5 oz.) baby bok choy
330g (11 oz.) cilantro
5 heads garlic
fresh ginger
spring onion
8 green chilies
4 lemons
1 banana
1/2 cup cashew nuts
moong or mash sprout
1 cup shredded fresh coconut
180g (6.5 oz.) dates
100g (3.5 oz.) mozzarella cheese
250 ml (0.5 pint) milk
50g (1.8 oz) ghee
4 eggs
250g (9 oz.) minced beef
500g (1 lb 2 oz.) minced lamb
500g (1 lb 2 oz.) lamb
500g (1 lb 2 oz.) beef
600g (1 lb 5 oz.) rice flour
500g (1 lb 2 oz.) white flour
350g (12 oz.) semolina
500g (1 lb 2 oz.) white rice
200g (7 oz.) chickpea flour
baking soda
1/2 cup tamarind paste
1L canola oil
cumin seeds
coriander seeds
sesame seeds
ground cardamom
ground clove
ground cumin
chili powder
Garam Masala
chili flakes
1/2 cup grated coconut
soy sauce
brown sugar
Info & Comments
Total preparation time: 4-5 hrs
Preliminary preparations: Chutneys can be prepared in advance
Difficulty level: Medium
Special equipment: Food processor, steamer