Malabi is kind of a sweet milk pudding perfumed with rose water and topped with some nuts and sweet syrup. Originally from Turkey, where they use rice flour. The Israeli version uses cornstarch, which makes the malabi more silky and light.
There are a lot possibilities regarding the topping. Different nuts can be used, as well as syrups so feel free to improvise.
1 L (2 pints) milk + 1 cup
3/4 cup sugar
250 ml (1/2 pint) heavy cream
red syrup (strawberry, cherry etc...)
crushed walnuts/pistachio/coconut
Preparation time: 10 mins + refrigerating overnight
Difficulty level: Easy
Servings: 10
In a bowl mix cup of milk with cornstarch.
In a sauce pot mix sugar, milk and cream.
Heat up till almost boiling, stirring constantly.
Mix in the cornstarch and keep stirring for about
2 more minutes until the mixture thickens.
Pour into serving glasses, cover with plastic and
let cool down to room temperature.
Keep in the fridge for several hours or overnight.
Just before serving garnish with some syrup and nuts.