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Farofa is a popular side dish made of toasted manioc flour. Farofa is a "must" accompaniment to feijoada and Brazilian barbecue, but it also can be used in stuffings or consumed by itself. In fact in Brazil it is so popular that you can find it in many restaurants on each table beside the salt and the pepper. Brazilians use to sprinkle the Farofa over their dishes just like grated Parmesan in Italian restaurants.


1 red onion

3 tbsps. butter

4 cups coarse manioc flour

100g (3½ oz) bacon

3 tbsps. chopped parsley



Preparation time: 20 mins.

Difficulty level: Easy

Servings: 10

World Wide Meal,Brazilian food,Brazilian cuisine,feijoada,farofa



Chop the onion thinly, cut the bacon into 1 cm dices

Heat a large skillet to medium-high heat., sauté the bacon until golden brown.

Add the onion and sauté until translucent.

Reduce the heat to medium, add the butter and let it melt.

Add the manioc flour and sauté about 5 minutes until it toasts slightly and gets a nice golden color. 

Add the chopped parsley and salt and pepper to taste.

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