Greens Mineira Style (Couve à Mineira)
This is a very easy dish to prepare. It can serve as a nice side-dish to the main course.
It is very healthy too: collard greens are known for their ability to prevent cancer and lower the cholesterol levels, they also contain many essential vitamins, among them K and A.
10-15 leaves of collard greens
5-6 garlic cloves
olive oil
Preparation time: 15 mins.
Difficulty level: Easy
Servings: 10
Wash and dry the leaves.
Cut out the stem from the middle of each leaf.
Cut the leaves into stripes of 1/2 cm (1/4") width. It is easier to do by stacking 5-6 leaves, rolling them together and then slicing the roll.
Mince the garlic and mix with salt.
Heat a frying pan or a wok. Put in 1/4 cup of olive oil.
Sauté the garlic for 2 minutes, then add the greens.
Keep stirring until the greens have softened and their color deepens (about 4-5 minutes). Don't overcook. When ready remove from pan and serve immediately.