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Country Omelette


2 red onions, diced

2 red bell peppers, diced

100g (3.5 oz) black olives

200g (7 oz.) Feta cheese

12 eggs

½ cup milk

olive oil



Preparation time: 15 mins

Difficulty level: Easy

Servings: 6


World Wide Meal,Greek food,Greek cuisine,country omelette,omlet



Heat a large pan with some olive oil and sauté

the onions and the peppers for 3 minutes.

Cut the olives in half and remove the pits.

Cut the Feta cheese in chunks.

Add the olives to the pan with Feta cheese and mix together. Sauté for another 2 minutes.

In a bowl beat the eggs with milk, salt and pepper and add the mixture to the pan.

Fry the omelets on both sides.

Alternatively you can prepare each serving separately. For this let the mixture of vegetables, olives and Feta cheese to cool a little and add them to the bowl with eggs. Heat a smaller pan with some olive oil and add fry the omelettes serving by serving.

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